Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Oh The Humanity

All time
Pope claims having pets not kids robs us of 'humanity'
Justin Bieber slid into the DMs of a gym to ask about a girl who worked there and it really backfired
Ricky Gervais used the word 'craic' incorrectly on Twitter and Irish people were quick to correct him
A distressing number of people think The Martian is based on a true story
This newspaper headline once again proved the vital importance of quotation marks
People are actually complaining that the iPhone 6 is 'too big to watch porn discreetly'
These American sorority girls have made the worst DIY rap video in history
The 'working inside during this glorious weather' survival guide
Here’s when you reach the saddest point in your life
The first song played on another planet is...