Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Polls

All time
Labour wants the HPV vaccine to be rolled out to boys sooner rather than later
Poll: Would you feel safer with driverless cars on the road?
South African president survives no-confidence motion
Dodgy technology and dead people voting - Kenya has a job on its hands preventing fraud in its coming election
UK on election countdown during last few hours of voting
Political polling is still usually right (apart from the odd surprise), says a new study
The pollsters got it VERY wrong in the US this week - how can they learn from their mistakes?
The big Brexit question: 'Should we side with the UK or the EU?'
Kevin Cunningham
What on earth will happen if Donald Trump DOESN'T win the election?
24 hours after the weekend from hell, Donald Trump is in big trouble in the polls
Exit polls: Germany's anti-migrant populists unseat Merkel's party
Fianna Fáil is surging in the latest opinion poll
Spanish voters go back to the polls for second election in six months
Donald Trump has overtaken Hillary Clinton to become the presidential frontrunner
Northern Ireland's election is happening today, but will there be any change?
'This is why my vote is so important to me'
Gráinne de Paor
Up? Down? The polls have been delivering mixed messages
It's on: The general election will be held on 26 February
8 things we learned at the Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis
There's bad news for Fine Gael and Labour in the latest polls
Only two in ten people trust Irish politicians - do you?
That Labour leadership race you've been hearing about for weeks is over
Who is Deez Nuts and why is he polling so well in the United States?
The next general election? You should trust the bookies a lot more than the opinion polls...
John Byrne
Is Labour going nowhere under Joan Burton? We asked her...
Polls closed: Here's a snapshot of the turnout across the country
Louis Walsh joins the Irish celebs backing a Yes vote
Boko Haram militants shoot Nigerian voters dead at polling stations
Voting over: All polls closed in local and European elections
Will Eamon Gilmore move from Foreign Affairs? 'It's a matter for himself' says Ferris
Water and slamming RTÉ: Here's how Election 2014 is shaping up in Midlands North-West
€18 minimum wage? No thanks, say Swiss
Polls show Crowley, McGuinness, Boylan favourites for EU seats
Which countries do Irish people wish Ireland was more like?
Mortars target Iraq voting centres as polls open in first election since US troops left
Afghan voters brave Taliban threats in historic election
'We just don't seem to be going anywhere': Ó Cuív worried by FF's 'becalmed' poll status