Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# potholes

All time
Had your car or bike damaged by a pothole? You're not the only one
'You wouldn't get this in the Third World' - locals up in arms over state of roads in Munster town
Road in sh**e? This new gadget could mean you never hit another pothole
Are your local roads in a state? You're not alone
You could help fix potholes by driving over them
Drawing penises around dangerous potholes is just what Ireland needs
Potholes could soon be but an unpleasant memory
A man is filling Chicago's potholes with wonderful mosaics
Unfortunate pothole-filling crew manage to get stuck in giant pothole
Massive potholes making Donegal road 'almost impassible' for local families
Almost 72% of Irish motorists believe garda presence on roads has reduced
New road maintenance scheme asks local communities to contribute funding
Fine Gael TDs on Twitter and free GP care : The week's news skewed
Column: It's time to tackle decline in rural Ireland
John Verling
Health and safety ‘gone mad’ as council workers suspended over filling pothole
Varadkar urges local authorities to focus on road maintenance
Poll: Do you think enough is being done to fix Ireland's roads?
Potholes, loose chippings, floods: Welcome to Ireland’s rural roads
Open thread: Is your local road as bad as this one?
Road is in Shite Pic of the Day
App detects potholes on Boston streets
State of roads causing increase in puncture breakdowns, says AA
The Daily Fix: Tuesday
U2 graffiti, dog poop and man-sized potholes - welcome to
The week in photos
AA Ireland launches nationwide anti-pothole petition
Pothole politics not on the agenda after all...