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Misery Guts

Slideshow: How to get through 'Blue Monday'

According to (questionable) calculations today is the most depressing of the year. If the gloom is creeping in, we have some things that might cheer you up…

TODAY IS THE most miserable day of the year. Apparently.

Nicknamed Blue Monday, the third Monday of January has been ‘calculated’ to be the blackest, bleakest and all-round most depressing day on the calendar. Work woes, a lack of sunlight, fading Christmas memories, unpaid credit card bills, no holidays in sight and the very fact that it’s a Monday all contribute to the feeling of general despair.

While Guardian columnist Dr Ben Goldacre has warned that the formula which declares today as ‘Blue Monday’ doesn’t make any mathematical sense whatsoever, that may not stop other people believing in it and bringing you down.

So, if you are succumbing to melancholy, one way to shake it off is with a bit of music. We recommend this beautiful version of the Jurassic Park Theme tune by birdfeeder ( below) slowed down 1,000 per cent:

Music to feel happy to…

Thanks to @via alan_butler for the tip

And if you’d prefer to dance the gloom away – while casting a knowing nod to pseudo-science – we endorse some New Order. Naturally.

In case your spirits haven’t been lifted sufficiently, we’ve also included a slideshow of some of the most heart-warming moments of the past year… as well as some misery-crushing contributions from‘s users. Enjoy!

Slideshow: How to get through 'Blue Monday'
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