Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# The Walking Dead

All time
Twitter reacts to Andrew Lincoln finally addressing that 'elephant in the room'
Daryl from The Walking Dead was literally dragged off Sky News to make way for the weather
Father shot dead by his 14-year-old son was training him for a "zombie apocalypse"
Lots of people made the mistake of watching The Walking Dead premiere over dinner
What to watch on TV tonight: Monday
The Walking Dead was trending in Ireland this morning, thanks to piracy
Walking Dead fan adorably recreates Andrew Lincoln's Love Actually moment
Carl from The Walking Dead's 31-year-old female stunt double
Walking Dead actor pranks co-star aided by one armed teenager
Walking Dead creator says he's owed millions of dollars
WATCH: Honest trailers takes on The Walking Dead
Who's the Irish woman in the new series of The Walking Dead?
Here are the 10 most pirated shows on television
How to survive the zombie apocalypse... in Waterford
Could zombies walk among us? Watch and find out...