IF YOU STILL feel young at heart, prepare to have all your dreams squashed.
First of all, digest that these games came out 16 years ago
Watch this kid as he discovers a payphone for the first time
How about this guy with a very novel car issue?
This is what Zig and Zag look like now
Kids starting college this month were born in 1997
What about this note found being passed around the class?
Justin Bieber wasn’t even born when Jurassic Park and Mrs Doubtfire were released
They were released in 1993, Biebs didn’t come along until the year after.
This Back to the Future front page will be old news next month
Ray D’arcy hasn’t been on The Den in 17 years
Nobody has been sent to bed on a Sunday to the soundtrack of this in 22 years
STILL don’t feel old yet?
Speaking of Fast and Furious, the first one came out 14 years ago…
Michael Jackson has been dead for six years
Remember Eminem’s daughter, Hailie?
This is her now
And The Slim Shady LP was released 16 years ago
Your old gaming consoles are now literally in a museum
This is the future
Finally, let the Little Rascal’s 20-year reunion get the final dig