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happiest jobs

Top 10 jobs with the happiest workers

Teacher, psychologists and – um, financial services sales people – are among the happiest workers out there.

WHETHER YOU ARE inbetween jobs, considering a career change or just plain interested – University of Chicago researchers have put together a list of jobs that boast the happiest workers.

Some may not be that surprising to you – while others, well… have a look for yourself…

Top 10 jobs with the happiest workers
1 / 10
  • 10. Operating Engineers

  • 9. Financial Services Sales Agents

  • 8. Psychologists

  • 7. Artists

  • 6. Teachers

  • 5. Special Education Teachers

  • 4. Authors

  • 3. Physical Therapists

  • 2. Firefighters

  • 1. Clergy

Published with permission from
Business Insider