Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Yes

This year
Opinion: Mainstream feminists are backing the 'care amendment' - this is a mistake
Rosaleen McDonagh
All time
Blasphemy vote 'a significant milestone for Ireland becoming a more modern society'
Undecided on the blasphemy referendum? Campaigners go head-to-head to help you decide
'The No side wasn't offering solutions to the hard cases' - Undecideds explain why they voted Yes
'Not conservative ... just complicated' - Roscommon's repealers on the county's journey from No to Yes
The results are in and the country has voted YES - Here's what happens now
Pro-choice campaigners say they will 'of course' accept result of referendum
Former Australian leader 'headbutted' on heated same-sex marriage campaign trail
Malta votes to legalise same-sex marriage
Classic Donegal soft drink Football Special has just launched its own ice cream
15 screenings of classic Christmas movies coming up around Ireland
There's a Great British Bake Off adult colouring book and people are losing it
A pub in Dublin has added THAT Tangle Twister cocktail to its menu
Linda, Pete and George are coming back to Gogglebox and everyone is delighted
Been asked to every social event over Christmas? Why is it so difficult to just say no?
Karl Melvin
17 great things that have happened since the last Budget
This woman has said thanks for the Yes vote by leaving free pieces of art about the place
A popular Irish YouTuber claims 'anti-equality campaigners' doused his car in acid
How much sex do women on the 'female Viagra' have? It’s the week in numbers
Fine Gael hopeful told to 'get the queers to vote for you'
A Mayo priest calls out Yes voters in the middle of Mass
Tears warning! There's a beautiful short film of the Yes vote results unfolding in Dublin
The Vatican thinks the referendum result is "a defeat for humanity"
How did your constituency vote in the marriage referendum?
People are coming #HomeToVote and it's making Ireland fierce emotional
No selfies or badges: What you need to know before you vote today
'Sorry to hear about your cancer, but maybe it's the will of God'
Bishop: 'I would hate if people voted No for bigoted, nasty, bullying reasons'
Louis Walsh joins the Irish celebs backing a Yes vote
Lots of TDs and Senators are voting No in that 'other' referendum next week
Surrogacy in Ireland: Where do we stand?
With less than a week to go, the Yes side is sustaining a commanding poll lead
Lots of TDs are breaking the rules and wearing Yes pins - but will they be punished?
This rainbow taxi for a Yes vote has been spotted on the streets of Dublin
Catholic leaders are out in force arguing against same-sex marriage
Met Éireann says it 'could tip 20 degrees' next week
Maynooth Students' Union receive 'sick and disturbing' postcard from 'Vote No' campaign
You need to hear this Swedish city's very strange word for 'yes'
Former Waterford Crystal workers unanimously vote in favour of €178m pension deal
Can you guess which party's voters are least supportive of same-sex marriage?