MARK TODAY IN your calendars. It’s the day Zayn Malik began hemorrhaging followers and fans alike.
Why? It’s all because of this Twitter comeback, which was felt like a knife in the backs of One Direction fans all over the world.
Follow the whole feud here.
But who are One Direction fans sticking up for? Do they feel a sense of loyalty to poor Zayn? Do they think Louis is being a tad unfair?
Well, the top trending tags on Twitter are #TOMLINSONSLAYSAGAIN, #ThanksForNothingZayn, #WeLoveYouLouis and #ChangeYourBioLouis, in reference to the fact that Tomlinson still states he is one of five.
Then came the conspiracies
What have you got against Wednesday Zayn, huh?
Naughty Boy isn’t coming out of this all too well either
Yep, Louis is definitely winning
It’s all just a bit hard to take in
Why can’t we all just get along?
Who do YOU think is right?