LADS’ MAG ZOO Weekly has been pulled from the shelves of a prominent Australian supermarket following a massive campaign down under about its content.
Coles supermarket announced the removal of the mag from its shops yesterday, saying it was a commercial decision.
The hashtag #BinZooMag had become popular on social media in Australia over the last few months
A petition was set up to take it out of the Woolworths supermarket chain
The petition has received over 39,000 signatures so far, with the reasoning of the anti-Zoo campaign being:
There’s tips to coerce girls into having sex using alcohol. They use photos of young girls lifted from teen porn sites. Promotions for best shot of your girlfriend’s breasts.
That’s what’s inside Zoo magazine – and it’s still sitting on the shelves of Woolworths as “family friendly” products. It sits next to kids magazines.
One employee of Coles supermarket was said to have made a complaint about having to sell the magazine
As Mashable reports this morning, Coles say that there is no direct link between the removal of the lads mag and the campaign. But Collective Shout, above, who started it are most certainly claiming it as a win – and have started a national conversation on the issue.