SOMETIMES LIFE GIVES you moments that make you wonder if you’re being punished for something you did in a past life.
1. When you leave clothes out to dry on the line… and it starts bloody pouring
2. When you get that text from your network informing you that you have no credit
3. When you have the cup of tea made and all… and you realise you have no milk
4. Or when you pour the milk into your tea only to find that it’s gone off
5. When you return to your car… only to be greeted with this
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
6. When it starts lashing rain and you don’t have an umbrella to hand
Who is it up there that hates me, huh? STEP FORWARD.
7. And when your umbrella completely refuses to do its job
*tosses into the bin without any remorse*
We’re done.
8. When you’re taking out the bins and the bin bag is too full, so it sort of tears and the bin juice leaks everywhere and you just want to go back to bed
9. When your bank calls you up to query some recent transactions and ends up HUMILIATING YOU
How dare you make me relieve Saturday night when I inexplicably bought a platter of shots for everyone? Rude.
10. When you use a toilet that is not your own… and it doesn’t all flush the first time
“Just a second!”
*plots escape through window*
11. When you accidentally ‘like’ an old tweet or Instagram photo and reveal your innermost creep
12. When you get to the bus top and realise you forgot to top up your leap card
Life just isn’t fair.
13. When you find yourself on a long bus journey with no headphones… and 19% battery to boot
14. When you hear that there was an Irish winner in the Euromillions… and it wasn’t you
“The ticket was bought in the North West of the country.”
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