Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
gone wild

12 menacing animals that simply must be stopped

Today they make the headlines, tomorrow they make you pay.

THESE ANIMALS ARE losing the run of themselves. STOP THE MADNESS.

1. This seagull, with no respect for personal property

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2. These pigeons who are attempting to take over

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3. This sausage dog who answers to no one

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4. The pup who knew exactly what he was doing

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5. This otter monster


6. These crows who are sick of your crap

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7. The bear who just wanted to party


8. This deer who knows nothing of fear


9. The seagull who committed one of the worst crimes known to man

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10. The tortoise that tried to evade the law

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11. This bear who doesn’t give one single… bother

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12. This otter, which is the face of evil itself

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A ‘crazy crow’ is tormenting the people of a Co Louth village>

A senator wants something done about ‘raucous seagulls stealing children’s lollipops’>

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