1. Being left in the queue at the supermarket while your mam went to get something
Is there anything worse than the fear that you’d get to the top before she came back?
2. 12 second of hurling in the middle of your Thriller video
(via @noflashingneon)
Flickr/Creative Commons/HawkinsThiel
3. Spit falling out the bottom of your recorder or tin whistle
Flickr/Creative Commons/John Morgan
4. Getting your ears pierced and then forgetting to ‘turn’ them twice a day
5. When you promised your mam the sellotape wouldn’t rip the wallpaper…
… and then it did
Tumblr/Jason Traeger
6. Househunting before Daft.ie
The Evening Herald, a 50 unit call card, and a pen and notebook for directions
(via @noflashingneon)
7. Someone taping over your Do Not Tape Over tape
Didn’t they know you had 7 episodes of Party of Five taped in longplay? GOD!
Flickr/Creative Commons/Chiew Pang
8. The DJ talking over the start and end of songs on the radio
9. Payphones eating your money because you put it in before the other person (or person’s ma) answered
(via @SarahJayBee)
10. Having to sit in the middle of the car
11. Having to walk around town in the rain for half an hour to avoid going to mass
(via @BigMonsterLove)
Flickr/Creative Commons/Alyssa L Miller
“NOTstalgia” inspired by @NoFlashingNeon on Twitter