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5 of the best internet responses to the US government shutdown

Sure g’wan, close down the country, no biggie.

SO THE US government closed shop last week, and is currently on its seventh day of lock down. But have they stopped to consider the massive knock-on effect their actions would have on the general population?


Here are some of the best reactions from people across the web.

1. These engaged couples

This pair were due to get married in Yosemite National Park in California, but had to reschedule. They weren’t happy about that then.

My friends were supposed to get married in Yosemite this weekend. Thanks to the Government shut down they had to reschedule last minute. They just posted this pic. - Imgur Imgur Imgur

But they weren’t the only couple with ruined wedding plans. These guys wanted to get married at the National Mall (we don’t judge) but obviously, that was closed too. However, Stephen Colbert offered to marry them and even aired it on his show.

Happy endings.

My Professor's friends were going to get married at the National Mall, but thanks to the Gov. Shutdown it's closed. So Steven Colbert offered to marry them and aired it. - Imgur Imgur Imgur

2. These celebrities





3. These suave pick-up artists






4. Late night show hosts

Jimmy, Conan, Stephen, and er, Jimmy again–they’re all at it.

Jimmy Kimmel used it as an excuse to insult people to their faces.

Jimmy Kimmel Live

Conan took the opportunity to shed some staff.


Jon Stewart got creative in his anger.


5. And finally, these brave brands



Even a vibrator company is giving away toys to out-of-work government employees. Website NSFW, obviously.


Explainer: Why has the US government shutdown and what does it mean?>

Here’s how one American newspaper reacted to the government shutdown>

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