IRISH FESTIVALS ARE a special place. Remember this lot?
1. The gardai being generally sound
Like when they raved in a tent at Electric Picnic 2006.
Or these ones at Indiependence.
2. This very Irish reason to close up shop at Sea Sessions 2015
3. Amanda Brunker performs at 2011 Oxegen
Who could forget. In fairness, there were about four people there having a great old time.
4. And the good ones…
Who can forget Arcade Fire’s legendary EP set in 2005. Special mention goes out to the Flaming Lips at Forbidden Fruit in 2011. That hamster wheel was something special.
5. The attire
Always on point. Electric Picnic 2009
This lad at Féile Trip to Tipp 1994
EP 2010
This lad at Oxegen 2010. Who needs clothes when you’ve got a marker?
6. When someone tried to sneak a fish into Slane
OK not strictly a festival, but it’s a big Irish summer gig institution. Now tell us, why can’t these fish enjoy it too?
7. The absolute dancers
8. Almost beats this women dancing at Longitude last year
9. This guy breakdancing in the mud at Oxegen 2007
This guy does NGAF.
10. The Oxegen microphone man
A hero walks among us. Mark Breen from Cuckoo Events became the hero of many Oxegens, with his witty safety and information voiceovers across the campsites. Hashtag BANTER.
11. When the electricity went off during Bonnie Tyler’s EP set
The irony Gods were looking down on us when Bonnie Tyler’s set was interrupted in the Electric Ireland Power House tent at EP last year, due to a power cut.
Not to worry, festival go-ers filled in the gaps.
12. The dodgy celebrity spots
Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon were knocking about Oxegen in 2007 and the campsite stood still. Josh Hartnett was also rumoured to have been seen. The excitement. We’ll take what we can get.
13. This craic with the garda at Slane
14. Mud slides
Not the premeditated ones, but the ones filmed behind the scenes.
15. When Hozier got the Longitude crowd to sing Happy Birthday to his 12-year-old neighbour
16. This can bonfire at Trip to Tipp 1994
17. This muddy kiss during the Oxegen wash out of 2011
18. The lad who accused Beyonce of this in 2011
Beyonce actually played Oxegen. Bow down.
19. When the actual president went to EP
He was appearing on the literary stage and not technically the president yet, but STILL.