Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 February, 2025

Women with big arses and thighs more likely to have intelligent babies

Dat intelligent baby-maker.

IT’S OFFICIAL, NORTH West is going to be a rocket scientist. Well, at least that’s what professors William Lassek and Steven Gaulin from the University of Pittsburgh may believe.

The two have been studying bottoms (tough gig, eh?), and have found that women with big butts are more likely to have highly intelligent children. This can be attributed to the reliance of the baby’s brain cell development on the thigh and buttock fat of its mother.

Speaking to the Sunday Times, Professor Lassek explained that the fats found in such areas ‘may’ affect intelligence when utilised during the likes of breastfeeding.

You need lots of fat to make a nervous system and the fats in these areas are also enriched in DHA which is a particularly important component in the human brain. It looks as if women have evolved to accumulate these fats and hold on to them until a baby arrives.

Lassek has long studied women’s fat, and released a book called Why Women Need Fat in 2011. Similar findings by a Cambridge professor David Bainbridge are described in his book Curvology, where he claims men are instinctively attracted to curvier women as they’re likely to give birth to healthier and smarter kids.

So now. It really IS all about that bass.


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