Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

14 blaa porn pics to get anyone from Waterford hot and bothered

Warning: this is blaasphemous.

RIGHT WHERE ANY Waterford person’s heart should be, there is a blaa.

Look, and salivate.

1. Phwoaaarrr

2. Dirty

3. Hot sausage

4. Fully stuffed

5. Wham, bam

6. Thank you blaa’am

7. Oh, holy Jaysus

8. Luscious baps

9. Please, save me from the urge to make more sausage puns

10. Talk rashers to me

11. It’s… so big…

12. Oh God, oh God

13. So much meat

14. *closes eyes*

God bless the blaa.

More: 16 chipper porn pics to get any Irish person hot and bothered>

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