Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
What the...

Bizarre publicity photo of the day

What’s going on here?

HERE IS BOOKMAKER Paddy Power holding two prosthetic legs.

Confused? Well, it’s all in aid of the bookmaker Paddy Power’s new sponsorship deal with Ireland’s amputee footballers.

The Irish Amputee Football Association (IAFA), set up in April of last year, aims to promote and develop amputee football across the country and is opening training sessions to both male and female amputees of all ages and levels of fitness.

The national team travel to Manchester next month to take part in their first international tournament where they will face the likes of Germany, Poland and Great Britain.

“We are delighted to be on board with the Irish Amputee Football Association, every team member has been training hard in the run up to their first tournament and I’m certain that they’ll do us proud,” Power said today.


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