Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

9 excellent busking moments from Irish streets

Brightening up the concrete.

WITH THE NEW busking rules coming in to play this March, let’s remind ourselves of the great buskers that truly liven up our streets.

1. The traditional Christmas eve busk on Grafton Street, of course

Roberto Wachholz Junior / YouTube

2. Super Mario himself roams these streets

1970588_717005405010171_281789341_n-630x354 SuperMario Busker via Facebook SuperMario Busker via Facebook

Super Mario Busker / YouTube

3. Spiderman, how bleak as he may be

OK, technically not a busker but the guy’s got guts.

Emmet McGrath / YouTube

4. Game of Thrones theme in Galway

Bringing Westros to the West.

Annie Chambers / YouTube

5. Tommy KD, the homeless rapper that appeared on LoveHate

Keywestofficial / YouTube

6. Iron Man dancing to Uptown Funk

Keywestofficial / YouTube

7. This lad, who brought everything but the kitchen sink

Tweet by @OrlaaaGrace OrlaaaGrace / Twitter OrlaaaGrace / Twitter / Twitter

8. This guy, who puts Whiplash to shame

9. And where else could an Oscar winner sing the Auld Triangle with a bunch of students?

Ian Fitzpatrick / YouTube

Busk in Dublin? Here’s how new rules will affect you>

No ban on busking in Temple Bar>

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