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few cans be grand

Having Thanksgiving in Ireland? Here's where to buy canned pumpkin

We’re here to help, guys.

cardamom cardamom

EVERY YEAR, HUNDREDS of expat Americans spend Thanksgiving in Ireland. And hundreds of lucky, lucky Irish people get invited to their Thanksgiving parties.

But one question haunts them each November: where to buy canned pumpkin for the pumpkin pie?

People have resorted to desperate measures.

So we’re here to help. Here’s where we’ve been able to track down selling canned pumpkin in Ireland. We’ll be updating this list as we come across more. They’re all in Dublin so far.

You can definitely buy canned pumpkin at Fallon and Byrne on Exchequer Street, Dublin 2.

A staff member told us “We have a few left in stock but I’d say with Thanksgiving we might sell out.” However, they’ll also put a can or two aside for you if you ask them nicely.

There are also rumours online that it’s available at the Candy Lab on Fownes Street in Temple Bar, Dublin 2. They weren’t open yet at the time of writing so we haven’t been able to confirm.

meerkatbaby meerkatbaby

What if I absolutely can’t get it?

If you’re really stuck, you can buy fresh pumpkins – or other squash, if pumpkins aren’t available – and follow this recipe. There’s a couple of hours’ work in it though.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

More: 7 sure signs you learned everything about Thanksgiving from Friends>

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