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# Castaway

All time
Nuno wants to solve Harry Kane situation internally to avoid ‘public argument’
Mystery of enormous 60-foot whale washed up dead on Donegal island
Two women who claim they were lost at sea for five months didn't activate their rescue beacon
10 excellent Desert Island Discs episodes you need to download
Cow missing for two months turns up alive on island with surprise companion
A volleyball named Wilson had Ireland sobbing its heart out last night
Stranded snorkellers saved after writing huge SOS in the sand
Doctors extend Salvadoran castaway's hospital stay for psychological examination
Castaway says dreams about his family (and food) sustained him
"I feel bad": Castaway arrives home after year adrift at sea
Castaway survived 16 months adrift at sea by eating turtles
The best moments from Tom Hanks 'ask me anything'
This man is seeking a woman to live on Inishfree with him Castaway style
Fisherman recovered alive after four months at sea
Fisherman sues cruise ship that sailed past stranded vessel
Photos: Man to live on 'desert island' in the middle of the River Liffey