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Christian Bale confirmed to play Steve Jobs in Sorkin-penned biopic

Danny Boyle is lined up to direct.

Image: Empics Entertainment

CHRISTIAN BALE HAS been confirmed to play the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs in an upcoming biopic, and he didn’t even have to audition.

Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin confirmed the news in an upcoming interview with Bloomberg Television saying that they “needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range and that’s Chris Bale”.

Bale didn’t have to audition for the movie, which will be directed by Danny Boyle, but a ‘meeting’ did take place.

Ashton Kutcher previously played the tech icon, but Sorkin’s version will be based on Walter Isaacson’s 2011 biography about Jobs and will have a narrative of three longer scenes shot in real time–all set backstage before product launches. Those expecting a straight-forwad biopic will be disappointed, with the West Wing writer sayingIt’s something much different than that”.

Obit Jobs Greatest Hits Source: AP/Press Association Images

While it’s going to be tough going for the Welsh actor, Sorkin says he’s confident he can handle it. “There isn’t a scene or a frame that he’s not in. So it’s an extremely difficult part and he is gonna crush it”.

Source: Bloomberg News/YouTube

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