Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
Christmas is all around

7 Christmas feelings you'll never grow out of

Whether you’re 9 or 95, those Christmas feelings are always the same.

CHRISTMAS – IT’S JUST for the kids, right?

Certainly, children are a big part of the magic of the season, but in reality Christmas brings out the big kid in all of us.

Here are seven Christmas feelings you’ll never be too old for.

Seeing your favourite Christmas ad on the telly

Guaranteed to bring a tear to your eye.

Seeing the lights of the Christmas tree as you approach your home

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Ahhh. Home at last.

Finding the perfect present for someone

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They’re going to love this. And you’re going to be the best sister/brother/granny/boyfriend ever.

Hearing your favourite Christmas song or carol

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Like seeing your favourite Christmas ad, hearing a great Christmas tune can turn a would-be Scrooge into Buddy the Elf.

Waking up on Christmas morning

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Santa doesn’t come to you any more, but that doesn’t stop Christmas morning being as magical as ever.

Feeling nice and and full from a spectacular Christmas dinner

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But you still have room for the few Roses. Always room for the few Roses.

Being sad that it’s all over

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Those who say they aren’t sad to see Christmas go are LYING.

Little girl writes adorable letter to John Lewis to apologise for breaking bauble>

Watch the heartwarming moment a Dublin family are reunited for Christmas>