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Did they really say that?: Top 5 outlandish celebrity claims

Twink could have been a neurosurgeon! Sienna Miller believes smoking is fine! Eamon Dunphy invented the Lotto?!

WITH LIKE-HIM-OR-LOATHE-HIM singer James Blunt claiming over the weekend that he had managed to avoid World War 3 by disobeying an order during his time with the army, we thought we’d go through some other crazy celebrity claims.

Here, then, is our top five choices of celebrities whose statements could use a little substantiation – if not their heads checked.

Did they really say that?: Top 5 outlandish celebrity claims
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  • (5) Sienna Miller <3 cigarettes

  • (4) John Mayer <3... himself

  • (3) Twink <3s getting her hands dirty

  • (2) Jim Corr <3 not having flouride in his water

  • (1) Eamon Dunphy <3 inventing the Lotto