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11 pictures everyone who drunk texts will find too familiar

Oh you’ve done it again.

WE ALL KNOW the worst part about a hangover is checking your sent texts.

1. It’s devastating

Lmaooo! Oh well!!!!! Lol I had fun tho!!!! Lol @jae_cb @domz18 #drunktext #drunkquotes #turnup #quoteoftheday #quote Source: lostprincesspau

2. This is why we can’t have nice things

Quando você vê o whatsapp na manhã seguinte | Please stop me... #friends #quotes #series #tvseries #rachel #drunktext Source: seriesandchill

3. But it’s all alcohol’s fault…

Don't have to tell me twice. I got a bottle of Pinnacle chillin in the freezer and no plans. TTYL lover. #so_yesterbae #friday #drunkinlove #drunktext #ratchet #ex #rememberme #vodka #pinnacle Source: so_yesterbae

4. You can get through this

Everyone know this feel Source: asdfghjkl.cutie

5. Because no matter how hard you try, it ain’t coming back

Truth Source: neoskinvic

6. You enjoyed it at the time

tumblr_nxogthxcYG1uk1hfoo1_540 Source: Tumblr

7. You might even have to start sending these out to your exes

My social life in a nutshell #tipsy #nationalbestfriendday #drunk #drunktext #sociallife #mysociallife #fwb #besties #ss #imnotanalcoholic #iswear #illbegood #text #alcohol #drunkies Source: carlynda

8. Just remember, they could be worse

Omg #drunktext #harrypotter #mcgonagall Source: city._.of._.nerds


#Lmao #dumbaf #silly #funny #lol #bruh #weakaf #yessir #ignorant #stfu #rotflmao #niggasbelike #Dam #bitchesbelike #drunktext #tru #childishaf #dead #herfacetho #realtalk #justsaying #lookingass #hahaha #wow #welldam #sotru #justathought Source: fat35_pat35

10. Maybe just put your phone to one side

I ain't even sleep yet and feel like this.smh #drunktext #smfh Source: btheghost

11. You won’t regret it

Hahahah #true #lol #funny #drunk #drunktext #text Source: rach2706

This guy was so drunk, he replied to his own text>

11 mortifying drunk texts that prove it’s never a good idea>

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