Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Drunk

All time
'I was a chronic, homeless, alcoholic - I'd be turning up at the races drunk'
Yacht captain who had 'God-given right' to be on Liffey found guilty of being drunk while sailing erratically
Drunk passenger tries to divert Russian plane to Afghanistan forcing emergency landing
Retired garda awarded €9,000 for injuries suffered when arresting 'violent drunk' in 2013
Gardaí to be out in force as 54 people killed on roads over St Patrick's Day period since 2012
Doctor says 'paralytically, unconsciously drunk' teens at West Cork disco could have died
Man who crashed car after taking six ecstasy tablets jailed for two years
Pilot in Canada jailed for showing up to work drunk and passing out in cockpit
Jamie Dornan explained 41 different Irish ways to say 'drunk' on Jimmy Kimmel
13 of the great drunk texts of 2016
Three years detention for teen who attacked gardaí after robbing American tourists
More likely man was drunk than sleepwalking when he allegedly raped friend, court told
This college student wrote and turned in an essay drunk, and regretted it deeply
This guy's ridiculous purchase in Ibiza is why you should never go on eBay drunk
'Plastered' tourist fatally injures Pinko the famous dancing flamingo
'Drunk' Canadian pilots released on bail in Scotland
Here's why you should never drink and buy Beyoncé tickets
Teenage boys face trial for alleged sex assault and exploitation of young girl in Temple Bar
19 ways to say 'drunk' as Gaeilge
Man arrested for using 'fart spray' in a Georgia bar
7 of the most fear-inducing things Irish people have done when drunk
An Irish gal emailed her lecturer while locked at the races and it was mortifying
A man passed out drunk at a bus stop... and woke up to find a fox chewing his trousers
15 times drunk you was a secret genius
12 of the great drunk texts of 2015
11 pictures everyone who drunk texts will find too familiar
11 times drunk you was good to sober you
It's exactly five years since Brian Cowen gave THAT interview on Morning Ireland
This couple's 'drunk history' of how they met is the ultimate wedding speech
This guy got drunk and designed a plane -- and now he's the toast of the internet
Pilot who drank two bottles of whiskey and beer with crew before flight jailed
This lad was so drunk that he didn't realise the escalator wasn't moving...
A student drunk-emailed his teacher this note. The response was literally amazing.
Drunk badger steals seven beers, passes out for two days
This drunk British man's extravagant and costly act of kindness is going viral
Air traffic controller found passed out drunk in tower
Brazil superstar Neymar responds to 'drunk' video
Take a break and watch this video of a drunk raccoon
Irish people describe in detail just how much they drink
'Drunk Irishman' goes for a sleep on Berlin railway tracks, wakes up to massive bill