Dublin: 14 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Edward Snowden

All time
Reports that Putin could hand Edward Snowden over to Donald Trump as a 'gift' dismissed
Obama granted Manning a pardon but Snowden won't be getting the same
Poll: Should Barack Obama pardon Edward Snowden?
This photo of Edward Snowden feeding his girlfriend KFC confused a lot of people last night
Trump's grandfather was 'deported from Bavaria after dodging military service'
Edward Snowden suing Norway so it won't extradite him during award visit
German agent spied for the CIA and Russia because he wanted to do 'something exciting'
How a company made infamous by piracy is trying to reinvent itself
MEPs vote to welcome "human rights defender" Edward Snowden in Europe
Snowden leaks provided momentum to bring us to this crucial point in data protection
Maria Helen Murphy
Europe's top court has torn up the rules on how US tech giants use your data
WATCH: TV Interview about Edward Snowden goes hilariously wrong
People are already tweeting 'f**k me daddy' at Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden has joined Twitter - guess what's the one account he follows?
The NSA can't listen to people's phone calls - for now
WATCH: Presidential candidate Rand Paul's new ad is the most American thing ever
British spy agency might be able to tell when you say 'craic' or 'Dublin' on the phone
Edward Snowden says the US government has access to your nude photos
British and American spies hacked company that makes Irish driving licences
Edward Snowden weighed in on Neil Patrick Harris' Oscar gag made at his expense
Government silent as Snowden docs reveal access to Ireland's internet cables
The new Snowden documentary is fascinating - and critically flawed
VIDEO: Your weekend movies... Citizenfour
NSA cyberwarfare system designed to 'fire back' without human clearance
Guinness, Facebook, and drink driving: The week in numbers
Snowden granted three-year residency in Russia, with permission to travel
US Bill introduced to end NSA's bulk collection of phone records
A fake Edward Snowden Tinder account was set up and the responses are amazing
A suspected US double-agent has been 'arrested for spying' in Germany
John Kerry: Snowden should "man-up" and come back to America
Guardian & Washington Post claim Pulitzer for Edward Snowden coverage
Major victory for Irish online rights group as ECJ strikes down EU mobile surveillance rules
People tweeted wonderfully stupid questions to Edward Snowden's live webcast
Edward Snowden is the new rector of Glasgow University
Head of Britain's 'eavesdropping agency' to step down
Obama to unveil NSA data collection reforms
More Snowden revelations: NSA collected almost 200 million texts a day
FBI director says he is baffled that Snowden is called a hero
Obama invites Merkel to White House in bid to heal phone-tap rift