ACTRESS EMILY BLUNT reckons there’s no need for a The Devil Wears Prada reboot or sequel.
Blunt played junior assistant Emily Charlton in the 2006 film, alongside Meryl Streep and Anne Hathaway. Although her role in the movie helped to bring Blunt attention early in her acting career, she’s unsure if reviving it is a good move.
“If everyone did it I would be up for it,” she said during an appearance on The Jess Cagle Interview.
I don’t know if there’s going to be a second film. I almost hope it doesn’t [happen] because I think sometimes when you sequel everything [it] kind of dilutes how special the original is.”
But Emily?!
This contradicts what she said earlier in the week on Late Night with Seth Myers while promoting her new movie A Quiet Place.
Blunt said: “I mean, I would love it.”
OK, which is it though?!
While Fox 2000 Pictures hasn’t announced plans to revisit The Devil Wears Prada, singer Elton John is working with playwright Paul Rudnick to breathe new life into the popular film by transforming it into a Broadway musical.
But the project’s casting and production timeline are undetermined at this time, Variety reported in January 2017
In the event that Emily makes up her mind, the author of the original book Lauren Weisberger is expected to debut a third book in the series – titled When Life Gives You Lululemons - focusing on Blunt’s character.
So that could be a buzz?