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Prime Numbers

Facebook, lightning and Euro 2020: the week in statistics

Mark Zuckerberg has earned an average of $3,904,232 every day of his short life. That and more from the week…

EVERY WEEK, offers you a selection of statistics and numerical nuggets to help you digest the week that has just passed.

$9,740,114 - The amount by which Mark Zuckerberg’s wealth rises or falls whenever the price of Facebook’s shares rises by $0.01. When Facebook’s shares made their Nasdaq debut yesterday at $42.05, the 28-year-old founder’s wealth ballooned by an immediate $3,944,746,170. After yesterday’s IPO – where he made over $1bn by selling some of his existing stock – he still owns 974,011,415 shares, giving him 58.8 per cent of its voting rights.

$166.7 million - The amount we reckon Bono made yesterday in the Facebook IPO. His investment vehicle Elevation Partners has 0.88 per cent of the company, with Bono holding a tenth of that (we think), and its shares – at the opening $42.05 – were worth $1,492,234,620. Elevation also sold a few million shares at the $38 price, yielding $17,565,485 for the pint-sized rockstar. His total earning from Facebook is about equal to his total earnings from his lifetime’s music career.

927 – The number of days by which Mark Zuckerberg is older than this writer, who is not jealous in the slightest. Nope.

46 per cent – The number of respondents to an American survey who think Facebook is a “fad”. Well, fair enough. Moving on…

35 – The number of days for which the current Greek parliament will have existed, without ever sitting and without having ever passed a law. A new legislature will be elected on June 17, five weeks after the current one, after its seven main parties abandoned talks on sharing power.

31 per cent – The number of people who answered all three questions correctly in a survey commissioned by the Irish Association of Pension Funds, which concluded that many Irish people fail to comprehend basic issues in personal finance.

2 – Number of attempts needed by Francois Hollande to visit Berlin, after his presidential plane was struck by lightning on his original trip on Tuesday.

30 per cent – The pay cut taken by Hollande and his 34 ministers this week. That means Hollande now earns €14,910 a month… which means…

€21,080 – The amount by which Enda Kenny’s net salary exceeds that of Francois Hollande.

63 – The number of local newspapers to be bought by Warren Buffett, who says there are no local institutions more important than papers in local communities.

2 – The number of rival bids to Ireland-Wales-Scotland’s bid to host Euro 2020. Only Turkey and Georgia have also expressed an interest, with the deadline having passed. Turkey will be told to withdraw if Istanbul also wins the 2020 Olympic Games, which it’s looking for.

0.0 per cent – The amount by which economic output in the Eurozone (and also within the entire EU) has grown in the last year.

€4,598 – The amount the Revenue Commissioners has spent so far this year hiring interpreters to translate questions being put to suspects by customs officials. Slovakian is the language in highest demand – so there’s a hint for some part-time work…

Read: Check out our previous ‘In numbers’ pieces >