Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# Fat

All time
The brain 'rewards' foods high in fats and carbohydrates
Theatre guide apologises over review that mentioned Derry Girls actress's weight
Myth debunked: Neither the low-carb nor the low-fat diet is superior
Mixed reactions over new voluntary codes to restrict advertising of 'high fat sugar salt' foods
Majority of people believe Ireland should bring in a sugar tax
Government to target sugar, salt, fat and big portion sizes in fight against obesity
Report recommending people to eat fat sparks row among health experts
Overweight people should pay more tax. Others can't pay for our folly
Aaron McKenna
James Rodriguez: Calling me fat p****s me off!
Scientists got students to eat nothing but fatty food to find out the effect it had on their bodies (it wasn't great)
Your Indian takeaway dinner has a LOT more food in it than one person should be eating
There are just two weight management clinics in Ireland. This is a problem, say doctors
'I know it's not healthy to be fat. You really, really don’t have to tell me that'
This fat bride wrote about being a fat bride and lit up the internet
'We're fat and getting fatter - and it's a life and death issue'
Vincent McCarthy
Why is Ireland so fat? Here's what an expert thinks
Our kids are being kept awake by smartphones and tablets - and it's making them fat
Telling a fat person to diet is 'like asking a person who's bleeding to avoid sharp objects'
Love your weekend lie-in? It could make you fat
Here's why overweight people are sharing doctor stories on Twitter
Eat whatever you want and lose weight*
Ireland's child obesity rate has plateaued and it may begin to fall
This 'social experiment' sent people on Tinder dates wearing fat suits
9 people who thought Katie Hopkins was dead right on The Late Late
People who eat high-fat dairy foods less likely to develop type 2 diabetes
Louis CK's brutally honest 'fat girls' speech is a must-watch
Ireland is eating more fast food as waistlines continue to grow...and grow
Is your cat or dog obese? It could be guilty of 'emotional eating'
How many of these unconventional burgers do you want to try?
14-tonne 'fatberg' discovered in London sewers
Police in Japan bust overweight prostitution service
Column: Why do we comfort eat?
Roisin Finnegan
McDonald's CEO said he lost weight by being more active
Column: I can’t pinpoint the moment I decided I wasn’t going to eat anymore
Jenny Conlon
Column: Ireland needs to reduce childhood obesity, so why are schools cutting PE hours?
Fergal Lyons
Study reveals every single junk food meal damages your arteries
How many people does one Chinese takeaway meal feed?
There's another reason not to eat fast food...
Babies of overweight mothers 'get fatter in the womb' - study
Skinny children have more 'good fat', study shows