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Everyone fell in love with 74-year-old Dub Tony on First Dates

Our hearts.

THE PENULTIMATE EPISODE of First Dates Ireland hit RTÉ 2 tonight – and the nation was still waiting for the great telly love story of our time.

And tonight we got the closest to true love we’ve seen all series.

But first, Tony from Dublin was in the house

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And he was meeting Belfast woman Lexie


Straight off the bat, Tony was an absolute chancer:

“Thank god for the viagra”

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And he’s thankful to the Guinness on that matter, too.

Lexie was reeling out her own one liners to match him

The first half of the show was dominated by this pair

All night he was cracking jokes, like when he came back from the jacks:

“Sorry, there, the girlfriend was on the phone – word must have got out”

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It then cut to Tony, who took a more serious tone and told us about his late wife Maureen

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Things got very emotional:

I got married in 1963, and my wife passed away in 1988 – she was only 45 and she got cancer. It was a terrible, terrible shockin’ time.
Aww Janey mac. My daughter was only doing her Leaving Cert and, aw, it was a shockin’ time.

“We met on a blind date, in a cafe on O’Connell Street which is no longer there now. It was called the Rainbow.”

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It was moving stuff

Everyone was loving him for getting out there on such a big stage after such heartbreak

When Lexie and Tony made it into the room for the final question

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She shot Tony down right away :(

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No humming and hawing

Like a shot

But, despite the date not ending well, Tony was the hero of the evening

A charmer and a chancer

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The whole country wants him back on

The other main story of the night was Martin and Cian

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They seemed to get on well first up – and Martin took the liberty of ordering chicken supreme for both of them

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Fair enough.

Cian had some quality anecdotes involving Wimbledon, coming out and Domino’s pizza

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As well as how SOUND his mam was.

People had high hopes for this pair

Could it be? A genuine match?

They entered the room to hear the big question

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Not only was it a yes – they were continuing their date at another bar that night

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A properly cute couple

But we’ve seen this before – we needed more info. Everyone was eagerly awaiting the final panels to see what happened to them:

And it was better than you could possibly expect

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A. Number. Of. Dates.



First Dates, you’ve done it again.

And this time it might actually be true love <3

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More This Kildare lad turned down a girl on First Dates Ireland and everyone was devastated>

More First Dates was absolutely full of matches, FINALLY>

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