WE’VE ALREADY ESTABLISHED that Thursday night might very well be the best one of all for pints.
But the next night – Friday - is perfect for a cosy night in:
1. The telly is actually half decent on Friday nights
2. And if all else fails, the Twitter commentary of The Late Late will be there for you
3. And you can eat WHATEVER you want
When you’re out, you have to eat normal stuff in normal quantities.
4. You’re absolutely wrecked after a long week
5. Which makes the couch seem about 112% more cosy
6. You can actually feel yourself saving money
Which can then be spent lavishly over the rest of the weekend.
Getting the guilt-free night in out of the way early in the weekend = happiness.
7. Town will be completely rammed
You can accept it on a Saturday because you haven’t been working all day. But you need some space on Friday.
8. Waking up on Saturday morning without a hangover is the most glorious feeling known to mankind
Embrace the Friday night in. It’s magical.