IT MIGHT NOT be Banksy, but Ireland can produce its fair share of high quality, hilarious Irish graffiti.
Take a bow:
1. This solid advice
2. A very Irish good bye sign
This should be the official policy of County Council signs around the country.
3. Making this sign quintessentially Irish is easy enough
A classic.
4. The greatest wordsmith of our age
5. A non-Irish person might be confused by who or what you are praying for
6. The fake tan Oompa Loompas spotted in Dublin
7. Simple but effective
8. The 9.55 rush to the offie, in sign form
9. A message to the world from us
10. The chat up line for the ages
11. And finallly, graffiti that could have been written by your mam
Always the edgiest graffiti, that.