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16 experiences you'll definitely have on the Tinder dating app

Teach me how to Tinder.

WHAT IS TINDER? Don’t act like you don’t know. We saw you on there.

The relatively new dating app has been downloading its way across Irish college campuses, and now sees 350m swipes a day worldwide with Ireland having one of the highest adoption rates of all countries it was launched in.

The premise is basic. You download the app, link it to your Facebook profile (nobody on Facebook will know, phew) and your face is there for all to judge.


Once you pick your preferences, the app will find people nearby on Tinder and ask you if you’re up for chatting. Swipe left if you’re into it, right if not. Rejection is kept to a minimum as you never know if someone ‘lefted’ you– you’re only connected if you both ‘like’ each other.

Your mutual Facebook friends and interests are also shown, in case you thought it was shallow like.

But sure you know all this, here are 16 experiences that all Tinder users go through:

1. Giving in

You’ll eventually download it out of curiosity, boredom, or crushing, soul destroying loneliness.


2. Dwelling over you profile photo

You can chop and change your four photos based on your Facebook pictures. But choose wisely, my friend. It’s the thing everyone is going to be making ruthless snap judgements on you over. No one said life was fair.

started using Tinder today, lets just say this guy got my like - Imgur Source: Imgur

Think about what will really grab the attention, bring them in?

Browsing tinder for potential mates when... - Imgur Source: Imgur

Attempt to keep creepiness to a minimum– we mean, you’re on Tinder so you can’t overwrite it altogether. If your photo is going to be creepy, at least make sure it’s not you.

Meanwhile, on Tinder.. - Imgur Source: Imgur

3. You’ll be unsure of your ‘like’ distribution

Have standards guys, don’t get too excited. Hit those Xs like it’s your job. Unless you start getting no matches, then, by all means, spread the love more liberally (and re-evaluate some life choices).

New Tinder match - Imgur Source: Imgur

4. You’ll use a photo of ‘the girls’ or ‘the lads’ in an attempt to look popular and nonchalant

Listen, we all know what’s going on here, but don’t do it. It’s a hard graft to realise who the person you’re judging is if it’s a group photo. Stop complicating things.

If you’re confused, at least be honest.

BT7ZTxkCAAAvffa Source: Tinderscreenshots

Seriously, which one are you?

tinder_whichone Source: Betcheslovethis

5. You’ll encounter someone who comes on way too strong

We know that the app displays this every time you get a match:

7anDUbr Source: Imgur

But it’s really no excuse for this:

tumblr_mw8tyyh4YL1s39axco1_1280 Source: Tinderlines


tinder1 Source: @tinderprobs

6. The mortification will arrive

If, by some twist of fate, you do meet up and fall in love with someone you were matched with, you’ll spend the rest of your life denying that you met on Tinder.

tumblr_mvivoz9sLQ1sa628wo1_1280 Source: Tinderrejections.com

7. You start running out of nearby options

Ireland’s a small place. Shudder at the day you get excited at the prospect of going to different cities and countries just to check out the Tinder talent.


8. You’ll come across some confused Tinder user with a wedding photo as his profiler

Swipe left. Always swipe left.

tinder2 Source: Weird_Gurlz

9. You’ll attempt to show your friends

They’ll think it’s ‘sad’ at first but then get completely addicted, even those in relationships.

Collaborative Tindering becomes a thing, and whenever you leave your phone around you come back to multiple matches you certainly did NOT consent to.

Friends don’t let friends swipe right.

Haha thanks @designlikewhoa for the hilarious QueenBey shirts Source: tinderapp

10. You’ll come across a photo of someone at Machu Picchu

Either that, or it’ll be you. Yes, you at some monument or landmark will show potential matches how travelled, cultured and adventurous you are.

tumblr_mthwpvtec61sa628wo1_1280 Source: TinderRejections

We get it, and we’re swiping left.

tumblr_mrylwbDeou1sa628wo1_500 Source: Tinderrejections

11. You won’t talk to the majority of your matches

Surely they’ll make the first move. Surely.

skeletonwaitingtinder Source: Imgur

12. You come across someone you know

While Tinder promises that you’ll never be shown a Facebook friend, it still doesn’t stop the unexpected from appearing. Again, Ireland is a small place.

Remember when Lindsay Lohan was matched with her brother?

lindsaytinder Source: Lindsay Lohan

The proximity factor also means that office situations can get a bit awkward, but we all know that the unspoken rule here is to swipe left to all.


13. You’ll creep like you’ve never crept before

You’ll change your orientation to check out which of the girls/guys are signed up to Tinds. Dirty dogs. But also remember that you’re on there too.

IMG_1112 Source: Uva

14. There will be one the one that got away

Nothing beats the hurt of the missed Tinder connection. When you’re on a roll of doling out the left swipes, you can lose control of that thumb.

U2NXk6I Source: Imgur

15. You’ll become a Tinder advocate

“Are you on Tinder? Well yeah it’s a dating app but it’s not like that.”

You’re convincing no one. You might even try to make Tinder slang happen. Don’t.

#YOSO! Source: tinderapp

16. The temptation to delete it

Who are you actually trying to fool? You’ll re-download next weekend.


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