Hello Flo have sidestepped the scarlet and created this sassy new advertisement for their period subscription service that’s beating down all typical tampon ad clichés. For one, nobody actually dances around a meadow in a sundress.
So with the service, you can’t ‘subscribe to a period’, but you can ensure a discreet package is delivered to you every month containing all sorts of period TLC that’s like “Santa for your vagina”.
The ballsy ad centers on a young girl at camp who is graced with the privilege of becoming first to get her ‘red badge of courage’. She embraces her role within Camp Gyno and teaches her peers all about the crimson wave, saying;
It’s like I’m Joan, and their vag is the arc.
There’s been a mixed reaction to the ad, with some calling it crude and others congratulating it for throwing around words such as ‘vage’ and ‘vagina’ like they ain’t nothin’.
Whatever you think of it, we’re a long way away from 1985, when Courtney Cox became the first woman to say ‘period’ on American television.