BEAUTY ADS AREN’T always entirely reflective of real life.
But what if they were?
1. Women in ads for razors would be running around the house looking for a plaster…
After they nipped their leg for the bajillionth time.
2. And ads for pads and tampos would feature women curled up in the foetal position on their bed…
And not out doing the following activities:
- Playing tennis in a white skirt
- Participating in an high octane aerobics class
- Basically doing the bloody can-can
3. Seriously, where is the Tampax ad that just features a woman getting inexplicably emotional at an ad for nappies?
4. Deodorant ads would feature women frantically spraying themselves in the work bathroom and praying they don’t smell gross…
And not just walking around the place, flaunting their cotton-scented armpits
- “Why do you seem to be drawing attention to your armpit?”
- “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
5. And let’s be real, the mascara ads would feature gammy brushes like this…
And not high-tech magic wands like this.
6. They certainly wouldn’t claim that applying moisturiser and getting ready is this much of a doddle
Come on, beauty brands — if and when we apply moisturiser, we typically sit still for 20 minutes trying to summon the motivation to move again.
7. And finally, Veet ads would feature women blocking their nose and trying not to inhale its sickening fumes
This guy knows what we’re talking about.