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18 images that will give every Irish childhood bookworm the feels

Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card.


Were you a book worm as a kid? You’ll remember…

1. Your readathon sponsorship card

CUA0Tk2WwAAtTh8 Source: Leahf13Flynn

Oh I can definitely do 16 books a day, just watch me.

2. Taking joy in examining this in the front of every library book

6a00d8341c904c53ef0120a88a2a70970b Source: Floating World

So you could see how many times it had been read, and when.

3. These little date stamps that everyone wanted to PROPERLY play library

Sneak_Night_-_AUG-14054_original Source: Studiocalico

4. Or these on the inside of your primary school books

il_fullxfull.678858533_j0yf Source: Etsy

5. The tiny tables and chairs in the public library kids’ section

library_childrens.jpg.662x0_q70_crop-scale Source: Treehugger

6. These secretive library cards

original Source: erinzam

7. Until you graduated to these flashy laminated cards

img_4213 Source: Michael Freeman DailyEdge.ie

* Signs name on back proudly*

8. Enid Blyton was queen

1163408 Source: www.vintagecobweb.com

9. These excellent reads you browsed in the library

5862675_orig Source: Weebly


wildflower_girl-198x300 Source: Seomraranga

11. Martia Conlon-McKenna basically single-handedly filled primary school libraries

blue_horse Source: Clarelibrary


OWFlNWYxMDY3NGEzYTUzYTUwM2M3YjU0NGIyZjNjYWa_MyPIppaOflXSpIt0sQWLaHR0cDovL21lZGlhLmFkc2ltZy5jb20vOTAyNGMwZmVkZGZjYWEwM2VhZjg5MGQzYWViMDg1YjA2YmJhODgzYjA5M2MwNzVlYzk2OTA4NGE1NzdiNmE5Ni5qcGd8fHx8fHw3MDB4NTI1fGh0dHA6Ly93d3cu Source: Advertsie

13. The Shamrogues

1589376 Source: Goodreads




86784 Source: meabhchildhoodreads

16. The school book fair was the best of days

Remember the excitement of waiting all day until you got to go visit with your fiver?

wakins-book-fair2 Source: Capitolhillclusterschool

17.Or when one of these would sit in the carpark of the local Quinnsworth

South Dublin County Council Source: Southdublinlibraries

18. And finally, the excitement of these on World Book Day

wbd token Source: fallenstarstories

Maaaaam, can we go to Easons?

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