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18 images that will give every Irish childhood bookworm the feels

Having fun isn’t hard, when you’ve got a library card.


Were you a book worm as a kid? You’ll remember…

1. Your readathon sponsorship card

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Oh I can definitely do 16 books a day, just watch me.

2. Taking joy in examining this in the front of every library book

6a00d8341c904c53ef0120a88a2a70970b Floating World Floating World

So you could see how many times it had been read, and when.

3. These little date stamps that everyone wanted to PROPERLY play library

Sneak_Night_-_AUG-14054_original Studiocalico Studiocalico

4. Or these on the inside of your primary school books

il_fullxfull.678858533_j0yf Etsy Etsy

5. The tiny tables and chairs in the public library kids’ section

library_childrens.jpg.662x0_q70_crop-scale Treehugger Treehugger

6. These secretive library cards

original erinzam erinzam

7. Until you graduated to these flashy laminated cards

img_4213 Michael Freeman Michael Freeman

* Signs name on back proudly*

8. Enid Blyton was queen


9. These excellent reads you browsed in the library

5862675_orig Weebly Weebly


wildflower_girl-198x300 Seomraranga Seomraranga

11. Martia Conlon-McKenna basically single-handedly filled primary school libraries

blue_horse Clarelibrary Clarelibrary


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13. The Shamrogues

1589376 Goodreads Goodreads




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16. The school book fair was the best of days

Remember the excitement of waiting all day until you got to go visit with your fiver?

wakins-book-fair2 Capitolhillclusterschool Capitolhillclusterschool

17.Or when one of these would sit in the carpark of the local Quinnsworth

South Dublin County Council Southdublinlibraries Southdublinlibraries

18. And finally, the excitement of these on World Book Day

wbd token fallenstarstories fallenstarstories

Maaaaam, can we go to Easons?

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A definitive ranking of the children’s books you read in school>

13 things you’ll understand if you were a total bookworm as a kid>

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