And it’s as good a time as any to appreciate the Irish people’s contribution to the national craic levels over there on a daily basis. Like:
1. When this guy was so sick of getting slagged for his pronunciation of the number 3, he made this Christmas tree
2. That time Guinness got the Shamrock wrong on their ads in Toronto and all the Irish got them to change it
*wipes away patriotic tear*
3. When they were quick to highlight the inappropriateness of this road marking
Heroically standing up for Irish slang while creasing themselves laughing.
4. When Mattress Mick turned up on breakfast telly to promote his documentary in Toronto
Bow down to the mattress.
5. When they pointed out that this supermarket aisle in Toronto was losing the run of itself
6. It’s very likely that an Irish person in Canada was the inspiration for this number plate
7. There was that time this lad got a care package sent from home, and listed every single item with joy
8. When this sign sparked wonderful sarcasm from the Irish people in the off license
9. There was that time this guy sent his mam a Nidge-inspired birthday message all the way from Vancouver
10. And when this girl was surprised by her dad and had the best reaction
11. And finally… when one Irish person moved over, they were welcomed with the best Irish/Canadian cake ever
A joint effort.
Happt Canada Day!