Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024
doughnut insult me

Little boy banned from doughnut shop for asking woman if she was pregnant

She wasn’t… groan.

4-YEAR-OLD JUSTIN OTERO was in a doughnut shop in Connecticut when he asked a woman if she had a baby in her belly.

His mother Rebecca Denham was suitably mortified and quickly apologised once the woman revealed that she was in fact, not pregnant.

Denham told WFSB that the woman didn’t seem to mind, but the shop’s managers were ruthless.


When Denham and her son walked in the shop on Tuesday, they were allegedly told to leave, saying “We were screamed at in front of the door, ‘he’s not allowed in here.”

Denham wasn’t sure if they were actually talking about her son at first. “I looked around, and said, ‘him?’ and she said ‘yeah, he’s rude’.”


Her son doesn’t understand why he’s banned from the shop he used to visit daily, and the manager refused to give comment on the incident. Rebecca says they’ll now have to take their money to another shop

Some people, unfortunately are quick to pass judgement, and therefore we will take our money and business elsewhere.

A tough lesson for little Justin to learn, but better now than when he’s old enough for a slap across the face.

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