Dublin: 13 °C Saturday 27 July, 2024

# king joffrey

All time
Did you catch the King Joffrey lookalike wearing his mammy's curtains in the Late Late audience?
Game of Thrones fans are tweeting to topple this enormous Joffrey statue
Jack Gleeson (aka King Joffrey) hates being a celebrity*
Jack Gleeson is in the nip in the Trinity naked calendar
King Joffrey does amazing Q&A and talks girlfriends and panties
Game of Thrones creator teases season 4's 'Purple Wedding'
King Joffrey as an adorable ten-year-old kid in Dublin
Love/Hate's new star does a mean Barack Obama...
King Joffrey had a very awkward encounter in Dublin
Snapshot: Ireland's baseball team sticks it to 'King Joffrey'
Maybe King Joffrey isn't such a b**tard after all
The Dredge: Who called Lily Allen's husband and children ugly on Twitter last night?
Several King Joffrey (that b***ard) sightings around Dublin