LADY GAGA HAS confirmed that she’s planning to record a jazz album with Tony Bennett.
We’ll just let you digest that for a minute or two…
ITAR-TASS / Anton Novoderezhkin
PBG/PBG/Empics Entertainment
Matt Sayles/AP/Press Association Images
Gaga has cemented plans for her and the iconic crooner to record a duets album by tweeting a picture of them together at an inauguration ball this week:
Bennett has previously said that Gaga is one of the best jazz singers he has ever heard. The pair recorded a version of Lady is a Tramp last year for Bennett’s album Viva Duets.
Here’s a charming (if slightly dodgy) video of them performing at that inauguration ball earlier this week. Her vocals are pretty good alright:
Gaga and Bennet. Who’d have thunk it?