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15 essential facts of life for incredibly lazy couples

“Will we head out?” “Nah.”

1. Whole weekends are often spent without getting into “normal” clothes

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^you two, inside all weekend.

2. There is a third person in your relationship – and their name is Netflix

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And they are sound.

3. You have a go-to takeaway that has always been there for you

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They are probably well aware of your weekly spice bag side order preference, which is a bonus.

4. And you have a disciplined rota based on whose turn it is to go and collect it at the door


*opens up mental calendar*

“It’s your turn to collect it tonight.”

5. One of you always suggests to go for a walk on a Saturday morning

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6. And then you both just decide against because bed=comfy

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7. When booking a holiday, you instinctively look for a hotel with a spa

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Because it needs to be made even more relaxing.

8. You always look for credit when you do the simplest of household chores

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“LOOK! I just put the bins out.”

9. Daytime naps are embraced as a normal part of your relationship

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10. Doing “nothing” together is a legitimate idea for an evening

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“What should we do tonight then?”

“Ah, nothing?”


11. When discussing what to cook for dinner, both of you are just waiting for the other to suggest ordering pizza

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You don’t want to be the one that always suggests it, but it’s SO much easier.

12. Getting invited somewhere as a couple midweek is both a blessing and a curse

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Blessing: social occasion with friends.

Curse: it’s not bed.

13. Because you have to make up an excuse why you can’t make it

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Creative excuse-making is when you are at your best as a couple.

14. When you do go out you have a code signal for when you should just bail home and chill out

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15. Because deep down you know that being the lazy couple is just the best, and that’s where you belong

Joey-and-Ross-Nap-GIF-1430266967 Source: Akamaihd

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About the author:

David Elkin

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