YOUR LEAVING CERT results stop mattering pretty soon.
But there are some things about Results Day that you’ll never forget. These:
1. That heart-sinking feeling the night before
2. How the envelope felt in your hand when the secretary (and/or nun) handed it to you
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3. The strange feeling of walking into school, knowing that you don’t go there anymore
4. That one goddamn exam you didn’t do so well in
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5. EXACTLY how your parents reacted
Whether it was:
Or in unfortunate cases:
6. Teachers being strangely nice to you
Possibly getting overexcited and hugging one, then immediately being uncomfortable about it.
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7. The sensation of rising panic as you tried to calculate your points
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8. The local newspaper’s embarrassing photo
Which you’ll never be allowed forget, because your parents kept it. Obviously.
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9. And how it felt when you could… FINALLY… leave the Leaving Cert behind
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