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12 problems of living with your other half for the first time

It’s a shock to the system, anyway.

EVERYTHING IS GOING great with you and your other half. So great, in fact, that you’re moving in together.

But, be aware, there are some things you might want to know beforehand:

1. You are subjected to at least one anecdote per night about their work

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“Mark* in accounts shifted WHO?”

*you have no idea who Mark is, and you never will.

2. Razors are now communal and everything else in the bathroom is fair game

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“Oooh, a fancy moisturiser. I might just use that.”

3. Closet space is a constant concern

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Suddenly you don’t have a full room’s wardrobe all to yourself. This is a very serious spatial challenge that both of you must overcome.

4. Planning meals is a daily conversation topic

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“Oh, I don’t know if we should go with that brand of rice. Let’s have a think about it. What will we have for dinner this Thursday?”

Cutting edge stuff.

5. Suddenly furniture is an actual talking point as well

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Before, your furniture worries consisted of having somewhere to sit and somewhere to sleep.

Now, it requires careful consideration.

6. And you both make excuses to go to IKEA every couple of months

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Because IKEA has everything, but it also contains many things that you can’t afford.

7. Sessions need to be flagged a little in advance

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Gone are the days that you can have an impromptu 15-person session around your place at the drop of a hat. Things need to be planned now, your SO might be trying to sleep that night. This new-fangled ‘consideration for others’ is a hard concept to get your head around.

8. You feel like you deserve extra credit for doing basic chores

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9. Which TV series to watch is always a heated debate

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“We’ve already seen The Fall.”

“But it’s so good, let’s watch it again!”

10. Being alone in the house is a strange but liberating feeling

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11. Planning on when to see the in-laws is a delicate debate

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“Sorry, I just can’t do the next five weekends, snowed under here.”


12. You start feeling like an adult for the first time, and it’s a big change

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What is happening? This is all so grown up.

More 10 distinctly Irish relationship problems>

More 10 struggles of living between your house and your boyfriend’s>

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