ARE YOU ONE of those people who’s perennially cold once September kicks in?
Behold the mermaid blanket.
The mermaid blanket is like a regularly old blanket except you climb inside it and, hey presto, you’re a mermaid. It’s pretty much the dream.
Over the past year or so, DIY mermaid blankets have really taken off on the internet, particularly among the Pinterest set. For instance, if you search ‘mermaid blanket tutorial’ on YouTube, you get about 51,000 results.
Here’s a pizza mermaid blanket. Just because.
But if you’re not handy with the old crochet hooks, you’re in luck.
ASOS have just released their very own mermaid blankets for €42.67 a piece.
They should make a film about me and call it The Cosy Mermaid.
- This gal
Cold people everywhere are rejoicing.
Gamechanger, tbh.