IF YOU’VE BEEN eyeing up the guy or gal across the train carriage from above your iphone for months, but haven’t had the courage to do anything about it, then we’ve got just the thing for you.
New website luascrush.com features galleries of snaps taken of our very finest specimans on planes, trains, or buses.
The creators say it’s a fun webpage where everyone can share pictures of the people they’ve been spying on on public transport.
The site is empty so far, but if you want to help the founders in their search to stalk the unsuspecting, click here.
Meanwhile, here are some of TheJournal.ie’s thoughts on the top five worst possible fellow passengers – suggestions welcome.
First up, Samuel L Jackson in the iconic Snakes on a Plane (yes we know it’s not real, and yes we know he was supposed to be the hero) – remind yourself just how bad that was below:
Check out the top four here: