Dublin: 4 °C Thursday 13 February, 2025

23 photos that prove the Irish stereotypes are true

It’s true, we’ve been foiled.

MAYBE WE ARE exactly like the American movies say.

1. How else has this come about?

2. These raffle prizes are like something out of Father Ted

3. This warning, well, you definitely couldn’t make it up

4. Speaking of sheep, YES, they do cause traffic jams

5. Horses are everywhere

6. Even in our cars

7. Potatoes are everywhere

PastedImage-17410 Source: Limerick City of Culture


9. Yep, that seems about right

I heard they give you Guinness in ambulances.

- a tourist.

10. And this

11. This is exactly how you shop in Ireland

12. This is EXACTLY what you’d expect to see when you open a newspaper


13. And this


14. Yes we eat blaas and things all the time

15. Mass is at the center of all we do

16. Do Irish people go straight to the pub after a funeral? YES THEY DO

17. Yep, this is definitely in everyone’s kitchen

18. Where are the leprechauns?


19. And here, in Carlingford


20. Basically, what they say is true

TV is also as you’d expect.

21. Yes, this is the exact type of exhibition you would expect to find in Ireland

22. Turf lines the streets of Tuam

PastedImage-81878 Source: Sean Mullin

23. And the entertainment is top notch

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