LORD KNOWS BEING a mammy isn’t easy.
But still, there are some things that forfeit your right to a Mother’s Day present.
Here are 11 mums who have lost their privileges. If you’ve got stories you’d like to share, add them in the comments…
1. The mother who sent you on an incredible journey
2. The mother who laughed hysterically at you in the laundry basket
Rather than helping.
3. The mother who bought you this
4. The mother who scared you as a baby
Or let her husband to it. You can’t shirk responsibility for this.
5. The mother who trained you to do this to granny
Possibly in revenge for something?
6. The mother who installed this wardrobe door
7. The mother who let dad replace a Kinder Egg with a real egg
Cruelest. Prank. Ever.
8. The mother who sent you to your doom
9. Any of the mothers who took part in this cruelty spree
This isn’t even a Mother’s Day issue. These guys are going straight to hell
10. The mother who took you shopping like this
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11. The mother who bought this trick slide
She's getting a card from Topaz, at most. Happy Mother's Day!