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Should you pee in the shower to save water?

Letting the golden rain fall could make a surprising difference, according to a UK campaign.

Image: olon

WANT TO SAVE on the water charges? Perhaps you should urinate in the shower.

Students at a UK university are being urged to take their first pee of the day in the shower, as part of a campaign to reduce water wastage.

This will save the average 9-12 litres (figures vary) of water it takes to flush a standard toilet. And you’re washing yourself anyway, right?

The #GoWithTheFlow campaign at the University of East Anglia says that if all 15,000 students at the university wee in the shower once a day, it will save the equivalent of 26 Olympic swimming pools of water.

What would this mean in terms of water charges? Well, the expected charge to flush a standard toilet for a home using mains water and waste systems is €0.04.

So if a family of four each empty their bladders in the shower once a day, it could save €58.40 over the year – a decent chunk of the expected average annual bill of €238.

Reaction to the campaign – part of environmental initiative the nPower Future Leaders Challenge – has been mixed, says co-creator Chris Dobson. “People either seem to love it or hate it.”

Source: Go With The Flow via Facebook

Shower-pee-ers are being urged to share a photo of themselves with the hashtag #gowiththeflow to spread the word.

So what do you think? Would you wee in the shower to save money?

Poll Results:

Already do, sucker! (4788)
Not a chance (2420)
Why not? (2171)

More: Parody ad issues ‘urgent appeal’ for people affected by Irish Water>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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