Dublin: 6 °C Saturday 15 February, 2025

13 people who had just one job, dammit

Jobs are hard.

SERIOUSLY GUYS, YOU had one thing to do!

1. Smo(n)king sign maker

Source: Twitter/youhadonejob

It’s all the rage, supposedly.

2.  News room intern

Source: Twitter/youhadonejob

We imagine it was their first day.

3. Book cover designer

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Vegetables would be preferable but if you’re really stuck….

4.  Toy manufacturer

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob


5. Graphic designer

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Change your physique and your ethnicity all with just one intensive 12 week programme.

6. Counterfeit shoe maker

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Get your brands right, man. C’mon!  What would you even call these runners? Nadidas? Adike?

7.  Pin maker

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

We don’t remember moving to Italy. For one, the food would be way better. Also, the weather.

8.  Sea captain

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

It can happen.

9.  Parents

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Parenting skills: negative

10.  Road marker

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Somebody had a few too many the night before.

11. Children’s book author

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

That’s the way it’s spelt, right?

12. Fishmonger

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

If that’s not a bargain we don’t know what is.

 13.  Tesco Employee

Source: Twitter.com/youhadonejob

Sounds tasty.


Woman quits job with a ranting email filled with hashtags and Beyonce references >

12 jobs that made your young life miserable >

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